Friday, May 15, 2009

How do I plan to use technology when I'm a teacher?

Some day when I become an educator I plan on technology playing a large role in my classroom and curriculum. I feel that it will be necessary for a great deal of computer use and assignements will be comepleted on the computer. I feel that the elementary level will become more like the college level, where students e-mail teachers their homework and questions. I also feel that grades will probably be done on a computer, therefore a student's parent can check them frequently. I feel that I will have to continuously update myself with the newest technology because my students will be using it. I think by students being able to complete work on the computer, this will allow teachers more time to fit in more curriculum!

Monday, March 30, 2009

The technology I am gaining for teaching from my experiences thus far.

As mentioned in my earlier blog, almost half of my classes this semester are Internet based and this is a whole new world for me! I've had to complete numerous assignments on line and have had to to turn them in electronically and not through the drop box! This has taken some getting use to but I see why it is such a positive thing to do. It is easy to see why so many teachers and professors are turning to this for an effective way to turn in assignments.
Technology has also played a large role in my personal life. I just returned from spring break in Florida and while I was down there I wanted to check my checking account and balance on line but I did not have a computer with me or one that was accessible. I then realized that I could use the Internet on my phone to check my account. I had never done this before but it was simple enough to figure out and kept me on track with how I was spending my money!
Every single day I am seeing how large of a role technology is playing a role in my life and how I can Incorporate these tools into my classroom!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My thoughts on technology's role in the classroom!

Technology plays a large role in today's society! Unfortunately, I feel that it does not play a big enough role in the classroom today. Students are given the opportunity to use the computers in the computer lab, but i feel that they deserve more of an opportunity to just search and explore a computer. I also feel that most teachers do not use the computer enough during a class period.
What really suprised me was during one of my placements in sophomore practicum, my cooperating teacher used education websites quite a bit. She found interesting games and cartoon videos for the students to watch, which gave them something new and exciting to see and was also extremely educational. I thought this was a great way to break up the day and the students loved it! This was one of the only times i've seen a teacher really take advantage of using the interent for educational purposes and it worked out great.

As for me, I love exploring what new technology has to offer, unfortunately I need a little guidance at times. My boyfriend just recently purchased the iphone and i love seeing all of the great "apps" he downloads and the crazy things it can do! We've used google maps to help us find a destination and have even used the level while hanging pictures! It amazes me what it can do! I can do most of the basics with technology and love being able to explore, new cameras, phones and programs on computers!